Dear Marketer…

Just another weblog

What Do You Believe About Marketing Online?

It would be impossible to tell you how many phone and instant messaging conversations we have with others daily about what it takes to be a good online marketer!  As we ask and answer the questions …we can’t help but notice a few belief systems and mindsets that are usually and totally off base!
We talked to people that believed in Software, pricey Training  Courses, Traffic Exchanges, FREE opportunities, those systems that do the 97% of the work for you and …you name it, we’ve heard it all!
Okay …do you really believe that a $49 piece of software or a $2,000 dollar or more Training Course that claims to teach you everything or at least enough to earn you riches over-night, in a few weeks, in a few months or even a year is where the money’s at?
How many people do you know that paid for that piece of software and got resell rights and never made a dime selling it? In the first place, how many pieces of software are being sold, by how many people and how outdated are they?  
What about Training courses?  Spend a few hundred dollars or spend the $1,000’s …doesn’t matter, know why?  Not all, but by and large most of those that sell their training are simply training you to do what they do …
So what if you don’t succeed at doing what they’re doing or don’t do as well?  You won’t make the kind of money they do.  Most trainings focus on either one or two things. They usually involve specific training in mastering particular skills or mastering the learning curve quicker than you could do it yourself but …comes at a price.
What about Traffic Exchanges and Quick Dollar Matrices. You won’t get rich doing Traffic Exchanges or $2 and $3 dollar matrices.  They all generate excitement in the beginning and then they ‘Fizzle’ out!  They all stop when the very last person comes in and there’s literally no one that doesn’t know about it and hasn’t joined it already! 
You’re not going to get rich spending your days surfing a Traffic Exchange so that the company gets their business noticed.  Your not going to get rich popping heads into forced matrices in hopes they’ll all upgrade and you’ll get paid $2 to $3 a pop!  Even if you put in thousands …it all stops somewhere!
What about a Free memberships?  They’re free so how does that get you paid?   It NEVER does because when people join free and then don’t upgrade or personally sponsor anyone …there’s no money to pay you or anyone else!
We know people and we know systems.  We also know that making money online is like any other traditional J.O.B. …it takes time and never happens overnight.  There’s simply not one system that works any better than another!  There’s no such thing as a system that does 97% of the work for you!  Same with promises from recruiters or companies
that would tell you their business can make you rich quickly!
Promises like these don’t work!  How much money will you or have you already wasted when you could’ve been making the same or even more money in a good online business product or services company?  The answer is simple …alot more! 
How Does One Choose Which Online Company or Business Program to Join?
An income based on the smaller dollar pay outs usually is an income that does’nt last or plays itself out eventually.  Most of those business opportunities come and go or restart with a new company name or program.
Most low cost to join programs usually unravel after a period of time.  Either their product or service is substandard or overpriced for what they offer or available elsewhere for less money.
Some businesses will cost you more to join than others therefore making them either unreachable for the masses or too difficult to promote. 
Determination of which company or business program to join involves researching the ownership and people involved, the compensation plan and the product or services they offer.  Look for any obstacles in the compensation plan that would prohibit you from achieving the top levels of earning a great income.
If an online company or business program, it’s owners or people involved have had past legal or ethical issues, it’s a pretty safe bet that you will not want to be involved in that opportunity. Be safe and protect yourself and your money. Always do your “Due Diligence” before joining any online company or business program.
So How Does One Earn a Great Long-Term Residual Income Online?
A “Residual” income is one that keeps paying you over and over again and can be built into a long-term lifelong income so long as the company you’re involved with stays the course like some of the more traditional companies that we all know and/or have heard of.   
To earn a long-term “Residual” income, you must find that one thing you really love doing and are passionate about. Okay, so you may not ever own or be the CEO of a company, so what!!  You can still be the companies best promoter, business builder and earner creating a long-term “Residual” Income that will in fact last a lifetime. 
Remember that nothing happens overnight.  There is NO quick way to earn income, wave a magical wand or online business lottery that will pay you the big bucks without your spending time and effort building it first!
How you earn a long-term “Residual” Income happens in a few ways. First you MUST bring other people into your business.  Then you must also focus on getting them trained to do the business.  You must have a way to replicate what you do and how you do it and be able to train others to do the same.
ALWAYS give the protential new team members a “Reason” why they want to do the business!   Product information calls don’t do this.  Company calls that focus on the business specific, key in the compensation plan and company progression do well at creating excitement and therefore a reason to do the business!
“Replication” describes what happens when you have “Repeat” anything wether it’s customers or one after the other new team members.  The art of “Replication” is your members doing what you do and how you do it.  It is the process of “Repeating” things over and over again.  It is how you build your reputation and ultimately your business!
* (We no longer use the term “Duplication”. It’s an old industry term and it doesn’t describe what people too often use it for.  Instead we use the word “Replication”.  Why?  Because you don’t have “Duplicate” customers or team members.  “Duplicate” means having 2 of the same thing or being the same as another!)
NEVER lead with your opportunity. No one likes to be told that you have the only or the best business going, let alone hear all about your business the very first time they talk with you! 
Get to know your customer or potential new member first!  Talk with them about what they like, their family, their life and what they’ve done in a business or are currently doing.
You’ll learn a lot about a person by listening to what their opinions or perceptions are and then you’ll have the opportunity to correct those opinions or perceptions and promote your business to them appropriately. Don’t waste it!
Follow up is everything!  Once you’ve gotten someone to a call or webinar …DO YOUR FOLLOW UP!  Don’t wait until the next day! If you wait until the next day or the next week, you risk losing momentum and your customer or new members interest!
Take the FIRST opportunity to talk with that potential customer or new member about what they’ve heard or experienced.  Ask them questions and then …let them do the talking!  Find out what it is that gets them excited …what they love doing!
By listening to what they have to say, you’re finding out what you and they have in common.  Use that common ground and what gets them excited to bond your interests to theirs and promote your business to them!  There’s always something they’ll say or get excited about that has something in common with you and your business!
ALWAYS lead with the benefits …get people to a webinar or conference call FIRST!  They can visit your website later.  No matter what they say or do before that …they’ll at least have the information they need to make an informed decision and that’s where you come in. They’ll likely have alot of questions and you IF you know your business you will be able to answer them or at least get them on a 3-way call with someone who does!
Getting people to your company calls and training is your “Report Card” for how well you’re doing!  The same goes for your members on your team …it is your place to train them on this!
Most importantly …you MUST create a step-by-step plan to accomplish your goals.  Remaining consistent, persistent, timely, committed, dedicated and hard working daily until you reach your goals.  Getting to be the top promoter and earner in your company is the real key to your success!
Don’t Ever Expect Things to Happen Imediately …Everyone’s Timing is Different!
Why do some people object and reject you and your business offer?  They’re busy and focused on something else they’re doing. They may not see the value in what you have to offer.  They get stuck in a mindset or belief system about things they’ve been told or they simply have a different way of perceiving things.
Maybe you haven’t explained your business to them efficiently or accurately. Sometimes it’s that you didn’t move fast enough, your timing was bad.  Maybe it’s that you don’t have the right answers when they ask particular questions …you may not have studied or know your business as well as you should!
It’s so important to KNOW your business.  Things are always changing in a business which is another reason to be on all the company calls and trainings!  Get to KNOW your website and back office …it’s an intregal part of your business and how well you will succeed!  Bottom Line:  Never stop learning!
Not all people have the same learning curve for whatever reason and …most people don’t retain everything to memory like others do!  Even if they did …they don’t use what they’ve learned because it doesn’t apply to their situation or business or they think of their business as a ‘Hobby’.
Some people are real “Go Getters” and they’ll perform accurately and quickly.  Some are not and won’t work well under pressure. They are focused on other or wrong perceptions or they don’t have as much experience as you do. 
Sometimes a person is slow to pick up and learn things about the business. They don’t have enough internet experience and may not even know some of the very basic skills. They don’t know how to write an email or ad, how to use a mailer or auto-responder, how to social network and any number of other internet skills.  They need patience, time and consistent training to help them learn how to do things the right way.
Don’t ever think that just because a person comes into your business and they operate a little slower than you …that they won’t succeed!  Some do and some don’t no matter how much experience or training they have.  Some, no matter how much experience or training simply won’t buckle down and get the job done.  You could put someone in your business thinking they won’t last and they …could turn out to be your best producer! 
On the other hand, you can put an experienced business builder on your team and they may not meet your expectations.  Why?  Because they’re not really committed to what they’re doing. It could be they’re at the top of the hill in another business and are focused on that or …they’ve simply run out of people they know to invite into the business. They get objections and rejections the same as you do!  If they’re really interested in being involved in your business …give them time, they’ll build at their own pace.
The point here is …DON’T have unrealistic expectations!  Do YOUR best at helping the “Little” guy and the “Big” guy!  Learn everything you can from everyone big or small in your industry and in your business.  You’ll quickly learn how to handle yourself with others and to earmark those things that work and get rid of ideas that don’t!  Remember you’re in the people business!  You have to sell YOU …the rest takes care of itself!
If you really want to earn a good residual income,  you have to first think about how bad do you want it. Then decide what it is that you really love doing. Once you have those two answers …you have what it takes to do a business successfully!  Then next steps are up to you!  If what you’re doing isn’t working …change it!
Don’t Pretend or Say You’re Something You’re Not …
Once you’ve got all the steps in place …then you will be qualified to teach and train others.  Once you have the tools you need to be successful …go out and share it!  Don’t go trying to impress people with something you’re not or …something you don’t know!  Too many people tell others “I’m a success coach” or “I’m a mentor”.
Oh really?  NO …You’re Not!  Mentors and Success Coaches are people like Anthony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Jack Canfield and others.  If you haven’t walked the walk like they have and have arrived where they are …You are NOT a Mentor or a Success Coach!!  
You’ll gain a reputation ..either good or bad based on what others know and/or perceive about you.  If you’re a ‘Know-it-All’  …people will run away from you.  If you’re a “Slacker” people will know that about you too!  If you know how to find answers or who to get them from and your honest about it, people will depend on you!  People don’t forget things they hear, read or perceive about you. Your “Reputation” is who you are and …it WILL follow you wherever you go!
Share what you do know. If you don’t have the answers, go find them!  Go find someone who does know and learn from them! Then apply what you’ve learned to your business.  Tell others about it and begin your great journey to the next step …getting others to join your business, following your example and repeating what you do and how you do it!
If you’re going to be a leader in your industry or business, you must take the steps to become one!  There’s NO way to fake being a leader until you become one.  
The difference will be obvious to others.  Make just one mistake, present something wrong or say something untrue and others will pick up on it and …they will remember it.  This will be the legacy you decide for yourself and you’ll have no one to blame when you don’t attract others to your business!
You must do the work involved first and then you can take on that credibility, title or reputation with dignity and assurance that you know what you’re doing and can teach others how to do the same!
Until then …you’re still learning. You’re a “Follower” and not a “Leader”.
If we could give you one piece of good advice about having a business online and being a leader it would be …”Never pretend or say you’re something you’re not, until it actually happens!”
Don’t even attempt to talk the talk until …you’ve walked the walk!
Always be honest and ethical in your dealings.  People look to and depend on people they know and trust. Your reputation in any online company or business program is what you make it!
How much income you earn depends on your reputation and willingness to go the distance.  What you earn is directly dependent on what you learn, staying focused, working smarter not harder, working consistently and diligently and ultimately on the people you deal with and how you do that on a daily basis! Contact us with any questions or your request for business recommendations, we CAN help!
We Network People to Excellence …Our Business IS Your Success!’


Gary & Viktoria / Sunny Florida – USA 

Owners, P.I. Marketing Systems / Ad Systems Direct /Business Trainers / Guest Speaking & Hosting / Social Networking Specialist / Product Development / Best Business Research Partners

PH:  (386) 438-8056 or EM:  

* Please No Advertisements to Email …Questions, Comments or Recommendation Inquiries Only!                                                                              


January 19, 2009 Posted by | Your Online Business | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 10 Comments

Having Your Own Online Business ~

With Thanksgiving over and Christmas quickly approaching …we’ve had plenty to get done and then some!  We’ve been working on new projects and online businesses!  

Everyone knows the sad tales of our teetering economy, the deep and wide reaching bailouts and …all those coming forth requesting to be part of them!  The last time our economy took such a fall to our nation and it’s people was the Great Depression.  Who knew that could ever happen again?  We are a very spoiled nation in that we have more than most other countries around the world.

BUT …from the looks of it we’re getting closer to another Great Depression happening again, and now we are in something called a Recession … a period of reduced economic activity and withdrawal from the availability of credit and monies we’ve all worked hard to earn and save for our present and our futures!

For those of you that may not know …the Great Depression was a worldwide economic downturn starting in 1929 and ending at different times in the 1930s and early 1940s. It was the largest and most important economic depression in modern history, and is an example of how far our world’s economy can fall.

This folks …is our nations history and we’re on the edge of seeing it happen all over again if we don’t change the way we view money. the necessities in life we all need to have, the things we want and what it takes to earn a good income …even in a questionable economy!

In a struggling economy with so many people losing jobs, tons of homes foreclosing, cost of living hikes, medical insurance rising, college tuition on the rise, unsure fuel and energy costs and so much more …What are we to do? 

We’d like to have your attention for a few minutes to share some good information regarding having an online business.  This comes from our almost 30 years of experience and knowledge in business both off and online.  In case you’re wondering …yes, we’ve had our failures too!  We learned from each and every one of them and that’s why we are where we are today financially!

SO …

Have you been thinking about how you and your loved ones are going to make it in this ‘Questionable at Best’ economy?  How’s the business you already have working for you?  Are you earning enough with your efforts and hard work to be ‘just comfortable’ …wouldn’t you love to earn more?

Now we’ll be the first to admit, nothing beats the thrill of a fast triple-digit winner.  But the likelihood of that happening, especially in this waining economy …we’d say is pretty darned slim and we’re both optimists.  But occasionally someone does get lucky!

We’ve come to realize that the best thing is that anyone can get on the winning side of an online business …if you know what you’re doing.  We’ve been able to generate income and build a great income over time by carefully selecting the right companies and businesses to build …

AND …we’ve found some of the best online businesses. We call them our ‘Income Maximizers’ …because that’s exactly what the really good ones do!

The fact is that with all the different online business’s in the industry, alot of people may never hear about the really good ones and …there’s a great chance that we would’ve never learned how much money we could make staying at home and having our own online business!  Our disabilities and inability to continue to work a public J.O.B. of any kind put us in the position to seriously consider working an online business for our income and quite frankly …we’re glad we did!

But we advise strongly …be realistic!

If you’re only interested in chasing big, fast, unrealistic gains, then we apologize. Perhaps an online business just really isn’t for you and you should stop reading this post now.

On the other hand, if you’re a reasonable person who understands that a steady approach at building lasting wealth is the best way and …if you understand that an extra $500 a month and another $1,000 next month all adds up over time …

We want to tell you that lots of people are earning great incomes online and they aren’t alone.  We know of doctors, lawyers, nurses, construction workers, administrative assistants, realtors and even college students who are taking advantage having an online business!  They aren’t any smarter than you, but they are one-step ahead of the rest, because keep in mind …

A really good online business is not a one-time deal.  People are earning a steady and great income working online!  So how are these ‘Average’ Joes & Molly’s making money?

They are taking advantage of starting their own online business!  Starting an online business requires more than simply ‘Clicking’ on a link.  You’ll need to have good people skills, good computer skills, be and stay well connected and be willing to learn and work at building your business.  Nothing happens overnight, but like anything else …having your own business requires time, effort and committment but you can achieve your financial goals and earn a great income online!

Of course, an online business is not for everyone …we hate to say that but it’s true! Unless you’re willing to really learn your business, work hard at it and stay consistent …you’d probably be better off with an average income J.O.B. …if you can find and keep one in this economy!  We don’t mean to be offensive, but again we’re just stating the facts as they are.  We know what it takes and we’re living proof …it can be done!

We want and you’ll want …people that are fully committed to success and are willing to commit to learning the business of their choice and sharing it with others.  If you’re still reading this, then we assume you’re still with us and if that’s the case please, keep on reading!

Did you know that you could be well on your way to retirement in 2 to 3 years?  That’s the average time it takes to learn and build a good online business!

The best part about owning your own online business is the people you’ll meet and the benefits of building your own business!  Along the way we’re sure you’ll learn how to share your business with others, but you’ll have to put your own efforts and time into your business and the income you want to earn.  This will be easy enough if you choose the right business and have a great sponsor to help you.

Best of all, you’ll have piece of mind …knowing that your business is working for you for a change and …not the other way around!  Having full confidence that you are the one calling the shots and …you aren’t at the mercy of every single offer that comes your way that isn’t your ‘Cup of Tea’, doesn’t pay too well or is too difficult for the average person to share with others and earn an income doing it!

Remember that with an online business opportunity …almost nothing that’s *Free pays too well …if at all!  Any business that you would consider worth something in terms of a great income, comes with the price of time, effort hard work and …yes, even a monetary cost to become involved in!

You’ll have to spend money wether or not it’s a daily commute, gas and vehicle maintance costs, meals for the day and suitable work clothing and …that doesn’t include the daily costs of maintaining your home and family’s needs!

Consider that you could conceivably earn whatever you put into your online business back in just the first month and then …more if you stay focused and dedicated to your business.

We want to encourage each of our readers to research online.  Find the industry in an online business that suits you.  Find what you’re passionate about and GO FOR IT!  Not only will you have alot of fun …you’ll meet some of the nicest people worldwide.  Even betteryou’ll find you can earn a great income and enjoy the lifestyle of your hopes and dreams!

‘We Network People to Excellence …Our Business IS Your Success!’

Contact us …with any questions or request for business recommendations, We CAN help!

Gary & Viktoria / Sunny Florida -USA                                                                                            

Owners, P.I. Marketing Systems / Ad Systems Direct /Business Trainers / Guest Speaking & Hosting / Social Networking Specialist / Product Development / Best Business Research Partners

PH:  (386) 438-8056 or EM:  

* Please No Advertisements to Email …Questions, Comments or Recommendation Inquiries Only!






December 4, 2008 Posted by | Your Online Business | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments