Dear Marketer…

Just another weblog

Healthy, Wealthy & Wise!

Today, we face uncertainty in Healthcare Solutions.  No matter how we may try,  we can’t escape the new laws being put into place and implemented such that most people can no longer afford good accessible Healthcare without high costs premiums, deductibles and up-front fees.  We do not provide insurance but a way to save you money on ER and doctors visits that can be handled quicker and more efficiently and at a lower cost to you!

WebDocsNetwork Healthcare Services can provide you with over 1,000 Board certified Doctors and many more on the way.  You can access these services  ANYTIME Day or Night, 7 days Weekly and 365 Days Yearly!  Whether you have insurance or not, there are NO co-pays or deductibles to meet.  You will get doctors call immediately for only $19.95 a month and have Unlimited Access to caring physicians..  Why sit in Dr.s office for hours for a 5 min visit?   Get your RX’s written as needed to YOUR local pharmacy and  … get up to 85% Discounts on your prescriptions, up to 50% Discounts on Diabetic Supplies and Assistance if needed using our RX Card Program.

But wait, it gets better!  You can earn $1.00 per card you hand out to people EVERY TIME they use it for the pharmacy discounts.  Our RX Card is ‘coded’ to you personally so that EACH TIME someone uses it, you get the credit and earnings.  How great is that PLUS you earn $25 per person you refer and join to WebDocsNetwork and  even more bonuses. 

Join us @ $19.95 and become a Member using our services or become a Consultant @ $39.95 PLUS refer 3 who join and yours IS FREE ~ Plus enjoy ‘excellent’ rewards and bonuses weekly plus much more.  Get paid to share and help others @ the same time!

Our health and well being are the most ‘priceless’ commodities we all own, without them nothing else matters.  Let us show you today how you can have Unlimited Access to Health Solutions and U.S. Licensed Physicians 24/7 and 365 Days yearly and live a comfortable and healthier lifestyle for all your tomorrows!

Check Us Out Here:

Gary & Viktoria
Founding Consultants

Owners, P.I. Marketing Systems /Business Trainers / Guest Speaking & Hosting / Social Networking Specialist / Product Development / Best Business Research Partners

PH:  (386) 438-8056 or EM:

* Please No Advertisements to Email …Questions, Comments or Recommendations Only!

January 28, 2009 Posted by | Your Health | Leave a comment

Make Updating Your Social Sites Easy!

Check Us Out on! is a simple service that makes updating your social networks a snap!  They post your messages wherever you want them to go! 

That’s right, they support over 30 social networking sites and we’re adding more regularly.

Between their straight forward posting methods and advanced custom triggers, they make it easy for you to post your messages exactly where you want them to go.

If you’re not part of yet …go join today! 

Gary & Viktoria
Florida – USA
Owners, P.I. Marketing Systems / Ad Systems Direct /Business Trainers / Guest Speaking & Hosting / Social Networking Specialist / Product Development / Best Business Research Partners

PH:  (386) 438-8056 or EM:

* Please No Advertisements to Email …Questions, Comments or Recommendations Only!

January 28, 2009 Posted by | Social Networking | Leave a comment

What Should Your Goals Be for This New Year?

Every New Year we all resolve to do better in our lives and in our businesses., but somehow we lose track of the goals and resolutions we make from year to year.

As we rang in this New Year and elected a new President, we thought of how we could stick to our resolutions and make this New Year a better one;  how we could achieve our goals and help others achieve theirs too.  This New Year, we have just inauguralized a new President and Commander in Chief and a truly historical one.  We as Americans have come together and achieved what some thought impossible.  We all have much to look forward to in this year and years to follow. 

Regardless of our economy, history proves that we flourish even in troubled times.  Why?  Because we try harder, we make necessary changes, we accept things easier and we have that sense of togetherness in most everything.  We make a point of always helping others and we make sacrifices for the good of our families and communities.  In tough times we bond together to achieve our goals and we are stronger.  We strive to maintain a “Whatever it Takes” attitude in everything we do! 

This is the year of change for the U.S. and for the world. This is your year to create a truly remarkable and “Positive” change.  Stick to everything positive, have faith and believe …it can happen for you and it will!  Together we can all make this year our year the greatest year ever.  We must stay on course, stay focused, be committed, be consistent, help each other and yes …even make a few sacrifices.  These are the things that help us achieve our goals in life and in business.  Use this year to your advantage and remember to help others along the way. 

Spark the “Positive” in yourself and everyone you meet and talk to.  Share all the best of everything that happens and share the lessons you’ve learned along the way. Reward and compliment others for their achievements.  Help others and you will be rewarded more than you could ever imagine.  Here are a few ways for you to stay focused and make this your best year ever:

  • Supercharge your self belief. Is it a book, music, a certain person, a favorite thing you love doing?  Look to those things that inspire you.  No matter what happens in your day, find ways to stay up beat!
  • Convince yourself that you truly do deserve to “Have it All”. We are all endowed with the right to achieve our dreams in life wether it be something material we want or a top position in a company. Rise to your highest level and then take one more step each time assuring that you can achieve your goals beyond your imagination but keep it realistic. 
  • Give yourself the motivation to go make it happen. Find ways daily to stay motivated.  Look for those things you love doing and that make you the happiest, then go and do them.  Don’t go for unrealistic goals, do everything one step at a time and one day at a time.
  • Create a stress free zone so that you can focus on what is truly important to you. Regimen and organize your work days, always taking time for breaks, meals, sleep and quiet time. Turn off your phones and Instant Messaging, don’t get trapped in negative converstations or chatting with people that bring you down and attack your sense of well being and positive living.
  • Activate the optimal thought patterns to bring financial prosperity to you. Think and attract only the positive in life. Optimize your mindset and use only the positive that comes into your life daily.
  • Keep you healthy so that you can maximize your opportunities. Eat right, pay attention to nutrition and proper minerals and essential health supplements.
  • Fine tune your thinking so that you not only know what it is you want, but you will also know exactly how to achieve it.
  • Unleash your own abilities to manifest the life of your dreams. You’ve been blessed with certain talents and skills of your own, use them to your advantage.  Find that one gift, something your passionate about.
  • Give yourself the optimism vital for maintaining the perfect state of mind to create even more successes. Find ways to think and do positive things only.  Stay away from politics in business and negative people. 

Regardless of your goals, these are the Essential Steps that provide the key components vital for creating success in your life and in your business.  Use these steps to your benefit and share them with others.  Whatever your goals and dreams are in life and in business …go out and make it happen!

Whatever your needs be it a friend to talk to, needing postivite motivation or your business questions and needs …you can count on us.  We’re here to help you achieve your goals this year.  If you have something you’d like us to address and blog about …feel free to contact us by phone or email.  We welcome all suggestions!

Gary & Viktoria
Florida – USA
Owners, P.I. Marketing Systems / Ad Systems Direct /Business Trainers / Guest Speaking & Hosting / Social Networking Specialist / Product Development / Best Business Research Partners

PH:  (386) 438-8056 or EM:

* Please No Advertisements to Email …Questions, Comments or Recommendations Only!


January 21, 2009 Posted by | Our Business Journal | , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

What Do You Believe About Marketing Online?

It would be impossible to tell you how many phone and instant messaging conversations we have with others daily about what it takes to be a good online marketer!  As we ask and answer the questions …we can’t help but notice a few belief systems and mindsets that are usually and totally off base!
We talked to people that believed in Software, pricey Training  Courses, Traffic Exchanges, FREE opportunities, those systems that do the 97% of the work for you and …you name it, we’ve heard it all!
Okay …do you really believe that a $49 piece of software or a $2,000 dollar or more Training Course that claims to teach you everything or at least enough to earn you riches over-night, in a few weeks, in a few months or even a year is where the money’s at?
How many people do you know that paid for that piece of software and got resell rights and never made a dime selling it? In the first place, how many pieces of software are being sold, by how many people and how outdated are they?  
What about Training courses?  Spend a few hundred dollars or spend the $1,000’s …doesn’t matter, know why?  Not all, but by and large most of those that sell their training are simply training you to do what they do …
So what if you don’t succeed at doing what they’re doing or don’t do as well?  You won’t make the kind of money they do.  Most trainings focus on either one or two things. They usually involve specific training in mastering particular skills or mastering the learning curve quicker than you could do it yourself but …comes at a price.
What about Traffic Exchanges and Quick Dollar Matrices. You won’t get rich doing Traffic Exchanges or $2 and $3 dollar matrices.  They all generate excitement in the beginning and then they ‘Fizzle’ out!  They all stop when the very last person comes in and there’s literally no one that doesn’t know about it and hasn’t joined it already! 
You’re not going to get rich spending your days surfing a Traffic Exchange so that the company gets their business noticed.  Your not going to get rich popping heads into forced matrices in hopes they’ll all upgrade and you’ll get paid $2 to $3 a pop!  Even if you put in thousands …it all stops somewhere!
What about a Free memberships?  They’re free so how does that get you paid?   It NEVER does because when people join free and then don’t upgrade or personally sponsor anyone …there’s no money to pay you or anyone else!
We know people and we know systems.  We also know that making money online is like any other traditional J.O.B. …it takes time and never happens overnight.  There’s simply not one system that works any better than another!  There’s no such thing as a system that does 97% of the work for you!  Same with promises from recruiters or companies
that would tell you their business can make you rich quickly!
Promises like these don’t work!  How much money will you or have you already wasted when you could’ve been making the same or even more money in a good online business product or services company?  The answer is simple …alot more! 
How Does One Choose Which Online Company or Business Program to Join?
An income based on the smaller dollar pay outs usually is an income that does’nt last or plays itself out eventually.  Most of those business opportunities come and go or restart with a new company name or program.
Most low cost to join programs usually unravel after a period of time.  Either their product or service is substandard or overpriced for what they offer or available elsewhere for less money.
Some businesses will cost you more to join than others therefore making them either unreachable for the masses or too difficult to promote. 
Determination of which company or business program to join involves researching the ownership and people involved, the compensation plan and the product or services they offer.  Look for any obstacles in the compensation plan that would prohibit you from achieving the top levels of earning a great income.
If an online company or business program, it’s owners or people involved have had past legal or ethical issues, it’s a pretty safe bet that you will not want to be involved in that opportunity. Be safe and protect yourself and your money. Always do your “Due Diligence” before joining any online company or business program.
So How Does One Earn a Great Long-Term Residual Income Online?
A “Residual” income is one that keeps paying you over and over again and can be built into a long-term lifelong income so long as the company you’re involved with stays the course like some of the more traditional companies that we all know and/or have heard of.   
To earn a long-term “Residual” income, you must find that one thing you really love doing and are passionate about. Okay, so you may not ever own or be the CEO of a company, so what!!  You can still be the companies best promoter, business builder and earner creating a long-term “Residual” Income that will in fact last a lifetime. 
Remember that nothing happens overnight.  There is NO quick way to earn income, wave a magical wand or online business lottery that will pay you the big bucks without your spending time and effort building it first!
How you earn a long-term “Residual” Income happens in a few ways. First you MUST bring other people into your business.  Then you must also focus on getting them trained to do the business.  You must have a way to replicate what you do and how you do it and be able to train others to do the same.
ALWAYS give the protential new team members a “Reason” why they want to do the business!   Product information calls don’t do this.  Company calls that focus on the business specific, key in the compensation plan and company progression do well at creating excitement and therefore a reason to do the business!
“Replication” describes what happens when you have “Repeat” anything wether it’s customers or one after the other new team members.  The art of “Replication” is your members doing what you do and how you do it.  It is the process of “Repeating” things over and over again.  It is how you build your reputation and ultimately your business!
* (We no longer use the term “Duplication”. It’s an old industry term and it doesn’t describe what people too often use it for.  Instead we use the word “Replication”.  Why?  Because you don’t have “Duplicate” customers or team members.  “Duplicate” means having 2 of the same thing or being the same as another!)
NEVER lead with your opportunity. No one likes to be told that you have the only or the best business going, let alone hear all about your business the very first time they talk with you! 
Get to know your customer or potential new member first!  Talk with them about what they like, their family, their life and what they’ve done in a business or are currently doing.
You’ll learn a lot about a person by listening to what their opinions or perceptions are and then you’ll have the opportunity to correct those opinions or perceptions and promote your business to them appropriately. Don’t waste it!
Follow up is everything!  Once you’ve gotten someone to a call or webinar …DO YOUR FOLLOW UP!  Don’t wait until the next day! If you wait until the next day or the next week, you risk losing momentum and your customer or new members interest!
Take the FIRST opportunity to talk with that potential customer or new member about what they’ve heard or experienced.  Ask them questions and then …let them do the talking!  Find out what it is that gets them excited …what they love doing!
By listening to what they have to say, you’re finding out what you and they have in common.  Use that common ground and what gets them excited to bond your interests to theirs and promote your business to them!  There’s always something they’ll say or get excited about that has something in common with you and your business!
ALWAYS lead with the benefits …get people to a webinar or conference call FIRST!  They can visit your website later.  No matter what they say or do before that …they’ll at least have the information they need to make an informed decision and that’s where you come in. They’ll likely have alot of questions and you IF you know your business you will be able to answer them or at least get them on a 3-way call with someone who does!
Getting people to your company calls and training is your “Report Card” for how well you’re doing!  The same goes for your members on your team …it is your place to train them on this!
Most importantly …you MUST create a step-by-step plan to accomplish your goals.  Remaining consistent, persistent, timely, committed, dedicated and hard working daily until you reach your goals.  Getting to be the top promoter and earner in your company is the real key to your success!
Don’t Ever Expect Things to Happen Imediately …Everyone’s Timing is Different!
Why do some people object and reject you and your business offer?  They’re busy and focused on something else they’re doing. They may not see the value in what you have to offer.  They get stuck in a mindset or belief system about things they’ve been told or they simply have a different way of perceiving things.
Maybe you haven’t explained your business to them efficiently or accurately. Sometimes it’s that you didn’t move fast enough, your timing was bad.  Maybe it’s that you don’t have the right answers when they ask particular questions …you may not have studied or know your business as well as you should!
It’s so important to KNOW your business.  Things are always changing in a business which is another reason to be on all the company calls and trainings!  Get to KNOW your website and back office …it’s an intregal part of your business and how well you will succeed!  Bottom Line:  Never stop learning!
Not all people have the same learning curve for whatever reason and …most people don’t retain everything to memory like others do!  Even if they did …they don’t use what they’ve learned because it doesn’t apply to their situation or business or they think of their business as a ‘Hobby’.
Some people are real “Go Getters” and they’ll perform accurately and quickly.  Some are not and won’t work well under pressure. They are focused on other or wrong perceptions or they don’t have as much experience as you do. 
Sometimes a person is slow to pick up and learn things about the business. They don’t have enough internet experience and may not even know some of the very basic skills. They don’t know how to write an email or ad, how to use a mailer or auto-responder, how to social network and any number of other internet skills.  They need patience, time and consistent training to help them learn how to do things the right way.
Don’t ever think that just because a person comes into your business and they operate a little slower than you …that they won’t succeed!  Some do and some don’t no matter how much experience or training they have.  Some, no matter how much experience or training simply won’t buckle down and get the job done.  You could put someone in your business thinking they won’t last and they …could turn out to be your best producer! 
On the other hand, you can put an experienced business builder on your team and they may not meet your expectations.  Why?  Because they’re not really committed to what they’re doing. It could be they’re at the top of the hill in another business and are focused on that or …they’ve simply run out of people they know to invite into the business. They get objections and rejections the same as you do!  If they’re really interested in being involved in your business …give them time, they’ll build at their own pace.
The point here is …DON’T have unrealistic expectations!  Do YOUR best at helping the “Little” guy and the “Big” guy!  Learn everything you can from everyone big or small in your industry and in your business.  You’ll quickly learn how to handle yourself with others and to earmark those things that work and get rid of ideas that don’t!  Remember you’re in the people business!  You have to sell YOU …the rest takes care of itself!
If you really want to earn a good residual income,  you have to first think about how bad do you want it. Then decide what it is that you really love doing. Once you have those two answers …you have what it takes to do a business successfully!  Then next steps are up to you!  If what you’re doing isn’t working …change it!
Don’t Pretend or Say You’re Something You’re Not …
Once you’ve got all the steps in place …then you will be qualified to teach and train others.  Once you have the tools you need to be successful …go out and share it!  Don’t go trying to impress people with something you’re not or …something you don’t know!  Too many people tell others “I’m a success coach” or “I’m a mentor”.
Oh really?  NO …You’re Not!  Mentors and Success Coaches are people like Anthony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Jack Canfield and others.  If you haven’t walked the walk like they have and have arrived where they are …You are NOT a Mentor or a Success Coach!!  
You’ll gain a reputation ..either good or bad based on what others know and/or perceive about you.  If you’re a ‘Know-it-All’  …people will run away from you.  If you’re a “Slacker” people will know that about you too!  If you know how to find answers or who to get them from and your honest about it, people will depend on you!  People don’t forget things they hear, read or perceive about you. Your “Reputation” is who you are and …it WILL follow you wherever you go!
Share what you do know. If you don’t have the answers, go find them!  Go find someone who does know and learn from them! Then apply what you’ve learned to your business.  Tell others about it and begin your great journey to the next step …getting others to join your business, following your example and repeating what you do and how you do it!
If you’re going to be a leader in your industry or business, you must take the steps to become one!  There’s NO way to fake being a leader until you become one.  
The difference will be obvious to others.  Make just one mistake, present something wrong or say something untrue and others will pick up on it and …they will remember it.  This will be the legacy you decide for yourself and you’ll have no one to blame when you don’t attract others to your business!
You must do the work involved first and then you can take on that credibility, title or reputation with dignity and assurance that you know what you’re doing and can teach others how to do the same!
Until then …you’re still learning. You’re a “Follower” and not a “Leader”.
If we could give you one piece of good advice about having a business online and being a leader it would be …”Never pretend or say you’re something you’re not, until it actually happens!”
Don’t even attempt to talk the talk until …you’ve walked the walk!
Always be honest and ethical in your dealings.  People look to and depend on people they know and trust. Your reputation in any online company or business program is what you make it!
How much income you earn depends on your reputation and willingness to go the distance.  What you earn is directly dependent on what you learn, staying focused, working smarter not harder, working consistently and diligently and ultimately on the people you deal with and how you do that on a daily basis! Contact us with any questions or your request for business recommendations, we CAN help!
We Network People to Excellence …Our Business IS Your Success!’


Gary & Viktoria / Sunny Florida – USA 

Owners, P.I. Marketing Systems / Ad Systems Direct /Business Trainers / Guest Speaking & Hosting / Social Networking Specialist / Product Development / Best Business Research Partners

PH:  (386) 438-8056 or EM:  

* Please No Advertisements to Email …Questions, Comments or Recommendation Inquiries Only!                                                                              


January 19, 2009 Posted by | Your Online Business | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 10 Comments

Advertising That Works …Your Survival Guide!

Last time we wrote about ‘THE 5 Keys to Success’.  This time, we’d like to give you 10 good tips about how you should advertise your online business.  Advertising at best can be costly if you haven’t taken the time to really research and find the resources and avenues available to maximize promoting your business online.
The problem with most is that they don’t think seriously enough about what they’re promoting and how they should be doing it.  This is because they’re either in a rush or they simply haven’t been taught or learned the correct ways to advertise their online business.  SO, let’s start with some really basic things to remember when advertising your business.  If you’re having problems with your advertising, memorize these 10 steps.
This IS your ‘Survival Guide’ for Successful Advertising …
1.)  Start Small – Always start with a small advertising budget. Never rush into a big campaign without FIRST testing the concept.  Start with a small advertising budget until you find the formula that not only attracts prospective customers but that also results in sales.  Remember that not all promotions or campaigns have to have a big price tag to be successful.
2.)  Exit Strategy – Always provide yourself with an ‘Out’.  Insist that any advertising deal you enter into allows you to cancel if it stops working.  If you can’t get a ‘Cancellation Clause’, take your bag of advertising dollars elsewhere.  There are tons of places online that will handle your advertising for you and are agreeable enough for you to cancel if it’s not resulting in sales after a certain period of time.
3.)  Now or Never – Advertising that works and works immediately is the best. If the advertising you purchase is going to work, it will work right from the start.  Don’t fall for the advertising sales line that ‘An AD needs to run several times before you can expect results’.
4.)  Effective Advertising – Pays for itself.  Don’t get trapped with the ‘Lifetime Customer Value Pay Back’ nonsense.  Your advertising either works or it doesn’t.  Advertising that works pays for itself in a reasonable amount of time.  Hopefully within a matter of days but never more than a year.  If something isn’t working, change it!
5.)  Measure & Test – Advertising that can’t be measured doesn’t work.  You must track the effectiveness of all you advertising. That IS the only way you know it works.  Simply put, advertising we can’t measure, we don’t do …period!  If your advertising is working, do everything you can to maintain it.  If it doesn’t, cancel immediately.  Don’t get caught in a ‘Promise’ trap.  Wager your cost and the effectiveness of your advertising always.
6.) Good Advertising – It’s a fact.  Effective advertising consist of two parts.  The first part requires your advertising to drive prospects to your website or conference call.  The second part is for your side to close the deal.  Spend time making sure that your website and/or your customer service are doing their part in closing each sale.  If you’re the customer service …FOLLOW UP!  Most people give up and never follow up.  FOLLOW UP is the most important step in any deal!
7.)  Advertising that Works – Stands Out!  your advertising must be different in some way.  It could be a ‘Smoking Hot’ offer like a really low price, and unusual offer like a unique product or service that’s different, free website, 1st months product, no shipping …the list goes on and on.  If your advertising doesn’t offer something different, it’s not going to work.  Stay clear of ‘Hype’.  Most online marketers already know that ‘Hype’ doesn’t work.  ‘Hype’ is only effective to those that are new to online marketing and in many cases it backfires!
8.) Controversy is Good? – Some believe that anything that attracts attention is a good thing.  Even that it’s better to be known for the wrong reason than not to be known at all.  NOT always necessarily true!  Guard your credibility.  Make sure that whatever you’re doing can be backed up with proven facts and is not just some fantasy!
Always insure that the message you’re putting out is palatable to everyone. Do your best to maintain … BE professional at all costs!  You’re dealing with a lot of different personalities.  What may be acceptable to some, may not be to others!  Respect your customer, they’re usually right about what they believe wether or not you agree with them. If you do your best to please them and they don’t buy from you, it’s not your fault, they may simply not be interested in what you have to offer.  On the other hand this is also true …
9.)  You Can’t Please Everyone – The only way to please everyone is to be so ‘Vanilla’ that no one will remember your message.  It’s far better to stand out from the crowd.  Even the people that don’t like your message, will buy from you if the ‘Value’ proposition is right.  The quality and value of what you have to offer is what people remember.  Even if they don’t buy the first time, they may take a second look if it’s something they need!
10.)  Management – Anything that’s not managed WILL deteriorate! If you want to discover problems you don’t know about, take a few minutes to look closely at the areas you haven’t examined in a while.  Guaranteed the problems WILL be there!  NOT taking the time to evaluate your business, advertising approach, budget etc., can and usually does ruin everything and leave you on the short end of your own deal!
If you’re needing help with your business, advertising approach or resources, we can help.  We have many resources to assit you in getting your business and advertisinig going …OVER the TOP!
Gary & Viktoria
Florida – USA
Owners, P.I. Marketing Systems / Ad Systems Direct /Business Trainers / Guest Speaking & Hosting / Social Networking Specialist / Product Development / Best Business Research Partners

PH:  (386) 438-8056 or EM:


January 7, 2009 Posted by | Your Online Business | 1 Comment

THE 5 Keys to Success in Life & Business!

We’ve been involved in the business world, offline and online, for over 30 years and we’ve seen a lot. We’ve tried different business systems and approaches, and been met with different levels of success. But most importantly, throughout our life’s career journey, We’ve had the chance to meet some amazing people. People, who have worked hard, to get to the top. People who have made money and a lot of money.
We’ve learned a great deal from these leaders, not just from the things that they taught us, but also from our own observations of them. We’ve noticed that all of them had similar characteristics that helped them achieve the kind of success that so many of us dream about.

1.) Use your own products or services and be able explain why you should use them. (Be a product of the product.)

It’s easy to sell a product when you use it yourself. A personal Guarantee based on experience is a powerful tool.

2.)  Have a reason for doing the business and a Business Plan.

There are more reasons to do business other than just to make money. The Business Network that you build with people with similar goals in mind will benefit you for many years.

3.)  Let the tools do the selling.

Utilize all online and offline tools and resources in building your business: Brand recognition, credibility, sincere enthusiasm, project an image of experience.

4.)  Always continue learning more about your business.

We think this holds true in all aspects of life. Those who stay on top of things, always ready to adapt to the different challenges and changes that come their way, are the ones who make it. In fact, never stop getting better. Always strive to make it even better.

5.)  Stay in the game long enough to have a chance to succeed.

Patience is a virtue in any business. Think of the exponential growth model, which is shaped like a ‘J’. It starts out slow; when patience is required, then all of a sudden, boom …Exponential growth!

That’s how a network operates. From personal experience, We can tell you that the longer you are involved, the broader and more expansive your network will become, until soon you have that  realization of financial independence coming in from the farthest reaches of the universe.

By holding strong to these principles,  people have made millions. Sound like you have those qualities? We’ll tell you something: you don’t have to be born with them. Some of them are developed by smart business practices and patience, and anyone of us can develop those characteristics. And those of us who do are well on their way to achieving their dreams.

We’re convinced that there are keys to success in life. Five of those keys are listed above. For some, they come naturally. For others, they have to be developed. Either way, they work. They just need a vehicle to turn attributes into assets.
So what we have to offer in the way of good advice is to listen to what your mind and heart tells you about your passions in business and in life.
Find what it is that you have in talents and skills …and then use them in your business to not only help yourself but to help others succeed and realize their true potential!

Gary & Viktoria / Sunny Florida -USA                                                                                            

Owners, P.I. Marketing Systems / Ad Systems Direct /Business Trainers / Guest Speaking & Hosting / Social Networking Specialist / Product Development / Best Business Research Partners

PH:  (386) 438-8056 or EM:  

January 1, 2009 Posted by | Your Online Business | 10 Comments