Dear Marketer…

Just another weblog

The RULES of Having an Online Business!

Every day we read about or hear of someone whose disappointed or has problems finding the right home based business. They’ve tried everything and still can’t find “THE ONE” that they love doing or that is right for them. They’ve failed at every single business they’ve tried and now they don’t want to do one or they’ve given up …they don’t know where to go or who to ask about finding the right opportunity for them!

People want to find a home business that is solid and stable and will provide them a great income, but they’re lost and lack direction in finding something that fits. They want to do something that others do, something that’s successful and comes with a great deal of income. The fact is that most people have no clear direction or idea of what it is they really want! Money simply doesn’t resolve every issue and shouldn’t be the focus ever!

One of the main things we find when talking to others about network marketing or the home business industry is that they are mostly concentrating on the wrong thing… getting rich quick! There seems to be this notion that when you sign on to a home business industry, you’re going to make tons of money in a short amount of time or there’s a system that does 97% of the work for you …WRONG!

An online business is NOT a “Social Club”.  There are a few of those and even some that tend to lean in that direction when they’re usually really high cost deals for the monetarily advantaged; most other business opportunities ARE serious about the credibility of the company and the people who join them! The company and most of the sponsors genuinely care about the people who become their members and they take great care in getting them trained to do their business, promote and bring new people to the opportunity!

The truth of the matter is that Some people think of an online business as a “Hobby” and not as something they can do to really supplement or replace their income lost by getting layed off or fired from a J.O.B., or retirement with less than they’d planned, death of a loved one or simply because they’re tired of putting up with all the rules and working for someone else and following those standards. SO …why do they bother with an online business and …how did they ever survive up until now in any other business?

Business is Business! We often wonder why people think that building a home business is any different from building a traditional business? Like a friend of ours says:  “It doesn’t matter if it’s a ice cream shop, a hamburger stand, a high rise office, a consignment shop or online network marketing. They are all businesses”. They all take time, effort, commitment, dedication and hard work! The only difference is that you’re your own boss!  You get to choose your hours, your business and the people you deal with! If you’re going to have an online business …make sure it’s the right one for you and then go do it!

Folks, if you want just a “Hobby” …then go and find one!  Stay out of the home-based business industry.  On the other hand …if you have a business you love and what your doing to succeed isn’t really working, CHANGE what your doing. Go out and find something or someone who will help you!

We all have to do something when we get out of bed in the morning!  First things first.  It’s about living! Bottom line, it’s about YOU, what you want in life, what your goals are, what you love doing and are passionate about and …about helping other people. It’s not about who you know, how good you are, the compensation plan, or much or anything else.

People want something so badly that they simply are blinded by the facts. When someone is ONLY thinking about the money …they’re not really focused on what it is they want in a business or on helping other people! They just want to “Get There Fast” or “Get Rich Quick” without taking the time to find that one thing they love doing.  It’s all about loving what YOU are doing NOT what everyone else is doing!

Everytime someone comes at us with some incredible, “It’s the best” or “It’s the only way to go” deal, we often wonder what it is they’re really thinking about …is it the money or do they just simply hop on every deal that comes along when they get tired or haven’t succeeded in their old one, or that their friends promote to them and they feel obligated to join because “they’re friends”?  Are they simply “Dead Set” in a mindset that they can’t really escape from because their EGO won’t let them?

We call that “Edging God Out” (EGO). Sometimes it’s a matter of “Edging Other People Out”.  When it’s either of these, you only “Edge Yourself Out”.  When this happens your opportunities manage to “Thin Out”, you lose friends and you lose credibility!

Everyone knows or has heard of an online business that has a good product, service or compensation plan! The bottom line is … what makes yours different? What is it about you and your business that will attract other people? You MUST be able to clearly define what your business is about and what you do and …how it can help others!

The Difference is YOU. As someone that is passionate about what you’re doing. As someone who has interests bigger than just yourself. It’s not about being good enough …YOU have to want it bad enough!

Our answer is to Research Your Interests. Find something you love doing and have a clear goal and direction in. We’re all given certain talents and skills, the trick is finding that one thing you’re really passionate about and then go and do it! Here are a few tips on how to choose the right home business:

Decide What You DON’T Want and THEN …Decide What You DO Want. Somewhere either in an email file that you can place on your desktop or in a notebook, write all of these things down and refer to them often. Define your goals and what it is you want to accomplish!

From there, the next step is… HOW do you get what you want. You have to define where you want to go FIRST,(what do you want) and then you must create a way to get there and goals to accomplish in doing so i.e., 1-2-3, step by step.

Define What You Want to Look For in An Opportunity. From there, try the product or service! If you like it, kewl! If not, keep looking. When you find a product or service you like, make sure you join someone that really has your interest at heart and will help you. Someone that you can bond with. Someone that will be there as your ”Go To” person when you need them.  Someone who has the right experience for the industry you choose and knows how to help you achieve your goals.

Don’t Ever Sign On to a Business Right Away. Take some time to get to know the business, the compensation plan, the product or service. READ the Terms and Policies BEFORE hitting that “Submit” button. Do as much online research as you can,  commonly called “Due Diligence”. Find out everything you can BEFORE you join a company or business. DON’T join merely because your friend is involved or because someone else told you it’s a good opportunity for you!

Take Time to Get to Know the Person Sponsoring You. If they don’t have time for you before you make the decision to sign on to their business …they won’t likely have the time afterwards. They won’t be there and available to you when you need them!

Stay away from “Recruiters”!  Recruiters are like a “One Night Stand”.  They will set you up with something and maybe they’ll be there for you and most likely NOT … because they are focused on how many people they get into a deal and how much money they will make doing it!

Find a good “Old Fashioned Sponsor”!  They will make the date, call you, call you back and eventually marry you to the right deal!  They WILL be there for you when you need them to be! They know the importance of helping you get to where you want to go.  It’s their pleasure to see you succeed and accomplish your goals because …it helps them accomplish theirs too!

Bottom Line: DO and Attract More of What You Want and Less of What You Don’t!  FIND what it is you want to do and then …go do it! Don’t get caught up in wasting your work day. Don’t linger in chat rooms, social networking sites or any place else that would interrupt the goals you are working to achieve. There will be plenty of time for chat rooms and social networking sites when you’ve really accomplished several of your goals and you’re focused enough to be able to offer your experience and help to others and help them achieve their goals too!

The point here is to Define What it is YOU Want to Do, as well as where you’d like to go in an online business. If you have any questions or need help finding the right business opportunity for you or resources that would help you, please feel free to contact us! We have 30 years experience in business  both off and online …we CAN and will help you!

Gary & Viktoria / Sunny Florida -USA                                                                                            

Owners, P.I. Marketing Systems / Ad Systems Direct /Business Trainers / Guest Speaking & Hosting / Social Networking Specialist / Product Development / Best Business Research Partners

PH:  (386) 438-8056 or EM:  

* Please No Advertisements to Email …Questions, Comments or Recommendation Inquiries Only!

February 11, 2009 - Posted by | Your Online Business


  1. Gary & Viktoria,

    Great information here!

    This title could easily translate to “Are you really cut out for a home-based business?”

    It takes discipline and dedication. I appreciate when people like yourself write a blog and are truly speaking from experience.

    Thanks for sharing the tips about “how to choose the right home-based business.” I believe if you do something you love, you’ll never have to work a day in your life.

    I absolutely agree that if you are passionate about what your doing then you’ll be able to go and do it…and you’ll do it successfully.

    For example, I personally love health and nutrition and only consider home-based businesses that offer products for wellness.

    Again, thanks for sharing.

    Alyson Mathew
    California – USA

    Comment by Alyson Mathew | February 11, 2009 | Reply

  2. Gary & Viktoria,

    Great rules! I couldn’t have said it better myself. If Net workers would read and understand this post they wouldn’t be called spammers.

    It takes time to learn all of the ins and outs of internet marketing and business ownership on the web.

    Good advice. Learn the rules of what is needed before you play the game!

    The Blakester
    Robert Blakely
    Maryland – USA

    Comment by theblakester | February 12, 2009 | Reply

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